方向 Adult School/High School/ROP Teachers & 管理员

Title 5 of the California Educational Code is very clear about the faculty role in curriculum development at the community college level. It is the community college faculty members who determine and authorize the appropriate curriculum and articulation.

In order to determine if your courses are appropriate for articulation with a Chabot College course you will need to work collaboratively with “大学 faculty.

Once courses have been identified, the appropriate faculty/teachers will need to meet to compare course outlines, competencies, end of course assessment(s), and any other vital information to determine if an agreement is possible.

清晰度 is on a course by course basis - Current 清晰度 Agreements. Agreements are valid for three academic 一年s from the endorsement date of Chabot College faculty/administration.

“大学 清晰度 Process


New and Renewed 清晰度 Agreements - All complete and signed articulation agreements must be sent to “大学, 克里斯蒂娜阅读, cread@dhwee.com, by October 31st each 一年 to be considered for the current academic 一年. An invitation to articulate will be sent to each partnering district at the start of each academic 一年. 会有 be a scheduled 清晰度 Summit in October of each 一年 for Adult School/High School/ROP instructors to meet with CC 教师 to work on articulation agreements in person.

2-step process to articulate your course with “大学

步骤1 - Pre Agreement Process

  1. Consult with your Adult School/High School/ROP colleagues to determine the following:
    •  Is your course comparable to the Chabot course?
    • Are there valid reasons to pursue articulation for this particular course?
    • Is your course outline detailed and current with the Chabot course?
    • Is there a teacher available who has the time and desire to work through the collegial consultation and approval process?
  2. Identify similar courses using CC resources including: 课程大纲, “大学 目录
  3. If course outline is not available, email CC清晰度.
  4. Contact CC 教师 to discuss potential course articulations for the next academic 一年. Prior to contacting CC faculty, be prepared to submit course outline and final exam for review and/or discussion.
  5. Upon agreement with CC faculty for potential articulation, proceed to 步骤2.

步骤2 ——协议

  1. Complete Adult School - High School - ROP Course 清晰度 Agreement form.
  2. Print and complete the 清晰度 Packet.
  3. Include as cover with all required documentation.
  4. Obtain signatures.
  5. Scan and email fully signed articulation agreement to CC清晰度, for college faculty/administration endorsement.

Agreement approval and submission CC清晰度 are due before October 31st of each 一年.
If fully signed articulation agreement is not received by November 15th, the agreement will not be eligible for articulation in that current academic 一年.

After approval, teachers can:

  1. Create teacher account in CATEMA. 参考 Teacher Quick Start Guide.
  2. 中创建类 CATEMA.
  3. Help students apply to “大学 for the spring semester of the school 一年 after Oct. 1.


请注意: When all college level approvals are completed, a copy will be scanned and emailed to the instructors of record and the course will be added to the inventory located on this web site and on CATEMA.